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For more information about studio, office or equipment rental, email us at

or call (218) 290-0017


Lost Forty Studios

316 W Lake Street

Chisholm, Minnesota 55719


Lost Forty Duluth Office

322 W. Superior Street, #32

Duluth, Minnesota 55802

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The Lost Forty Old Growth Forest


Lost Forty Studios is named for a rare stand of old-growth pine trees, located in Northern Minnesota. These unique pines were never logged because of an 1882 surveying error, which mistakenly mapped the area as part of nearby Coddington Lake. The error was corrected in 1960, but by then the ancient trees were on their way to being incorporated into Big Fork State Forest.


The oldest individual red pines in the Lost Forty are between 230-240 years old - trees within the adjoining Chippewa National Forest reportedly date to 1745, including the "champion red pine," measuring 115" in circumference and 120' tall.

Lost Forty Studios

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